Return to Work:

If you have undergone cancer treatment, you may experience difficulties with fatigue, concentration, memory and problem solving. Sometimes referred to as “chemobrain”, these changes can contribute to a feeling of loss of control and reduced competence in the tasks and life roles that are important to you.

At Encompass Therapy, we offer practical strategies and retraining to lessen the impact of these symptoms in relation to functioning at home and return to work.

Rehabilitation during and after your cancer treatment:

Surgical procedures, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are all treatments that you may undergo during your cancer journey. These life-saving treatments unfortunately have side effects that can impact on your quality of life.

Rehabilitation therapy can help to lessen these side effects.

Encompass Therapy offers treatment in the following areas:

  • Pain relief by treating scarring and swelling

  • Improvement in the look, feel and function of scar tissue

  • Improvement in lymphatic function that may be affected by lymph node removal surgery, radiation therapy or chemotherapy

  • Treatment to improve range of movement and strength of the body parts affected

  • Strategies and tools to assist with functioning in self care, household management and other important life tasks.

Women doing yoga

Breast Cancer Rehabilitation:

Have you undergone treatment for breast cancer?

Do you still experience altered function in your upper body as a result?

Australian research indicates that more than 50% of breast cancer survivors report upper body symptoms when surveyed 6 years after diagnosis. Symptoms reported include stiffness, weakness, sensory change, pain and/or swelling in the arm, neck shoulder and/or trunk.

A variety of treatment modalities may be used to lessen these changes. These may include:

  • Soft tissue barrier release massage and low level laser for softening of cording, radiation scarring and adhesions throughout the chest wall, axilla (armpit) and arm.

  • Myofacial release, taping and exercise prescription to reduce pain, improve posture, movement and strength through the upper body.

  • Instruction in diaphragm activation to improve breathing and posture patterns, facilitate quality sleep for rest and repair and establish effective shoulder and core stability.

  • Management of any unusual swelling in the arm, breast or upper quadrant (see Lymphoedema Management).

  • Education regarding skin care, nutrition and other lifestyle factors which may impact on function and wellbeing.