What are the benefits of lymphatic drainage massage?

Lymphatic drainage massage is a gentle, relaxing hands on treatment designed to stimulate lymphatic system function. By stimulating the circulation of lymph fluid through the body, removal of wastes and toxins is encouraged.  Lymphatic massage improves circulation to and from the tissues of the body and has the potential to improve immune function.  

Numerous health conditions may benefit from lymphatic therapy:  

  • Swollen legs or arms due to fluid retention

  • Limb and torso swelling pre or post surgery

  • Breast tenderness and congestion related to hormonal change

  • Cancer related swelling

  • Lymphoedema (see below for more information)

  • Lipoedema (see below for more information)

  • Conditions related to reduced immune function such as Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

  • Swollen limbs related to diabetes, venous insufficiency, ageing and/or immobility.

Helping You Manage Lymphoedema


Lymphoedema is a chronic condition that if not managed, can progress to cause significant swelling that impacts on function and predisposes the patient to infection, skin breakdown and other complications.  As a nationally accredited lymphoedema practitioner, Roseanne at Encompass Therapy offers a comprehensive lymphoedema management service that may include:

  • Comprehensive assessment of your condition, with written recommendations to your treating doctor regarding management.

  • Advice and education regarding lifestyle factors to promote function and reduce risk of condition flare-ups and complications.

  • Manual lymphatic drainage massage to move lymph fluid from the affected body part and encourage lymphatic return via healthier parts of the lymphatic system.

  • Multi-layer bandaging programs to reduce swelling and promote tissue healing. Encompass Therapy offers a variety of bandaging systems depending on the needs of the client, including the Mobiderm bandaging system by Thuasne.

  • Prescription and fitting of a range of compression garments, wraps and other devices to maintain limb volume with advice regarding wear and care. There are many new options now available that are comfortable and easier to put on and remove.

  • Soft tissue treatment of fibrotic tissue changes to soften the limb tissue, promote lymphatic return and normalise movement.

  • Advice regarding appropriate self management related to self massage, activity levels and precautions, nutrition and stress management.

  • Sequential intermittent pneumatic compression (SIPC) pump therapy applies pressure to the limbs to promote circulation of blood and lymphatic fluid to and from the extremities of the body. Encompass Therapy uses Medirent’s LX9 Compression Pump with attachments for upper and lower limbs as well as the abdomen.

  • Use of Low Level Laser therapy (LLLT) to soften fibrotic (thickened) tissue and promot lymphatic return. This is a painless, non-invasive treatment modality. Encompass Therapy uses the Rhiancorp LTU – 904 Low Level Laser.

Lipoedema Management


Are you seeking clarity about whether or not you have Lipoedema?

Do you need professional support regarding how best to manage your condition?

Would you benefit from access to resources that will help you to manage your condition as well as communicate your needs to other health professionals involved with your care?

Lipoedema is a chronic condition that overwhelmingly affects women and is characterised by an abnormal, usually symmetrical, accumulation of fat in the legs, hips, buttocks and occasionally arms. It is a different condition from obesity and from lymphoedema. The aetiology of lipoedema is unknown, but hormonal changes, weight gain and genetics are each thought to be involved and research in this area is ongoing.

Early diagnosis and treatment is crucial for effective management of the condition. Appropriate therapy can minimise disease progression and reduce secondary effects such as foot and knee pain as well as the need for surgical intervention.  Support and good advice for those living with this condition can be critical for long term management, allowing women to enjoy a quality of life despite their diagnosis.

Many of the therapeutic tools used in lymphoedema management can be modified for effective use with Lipoedema. Compression therapy via garments and/or pumping can be trialled and worked through to find a solution that is sustainable. Education and support regarding lifestyle changes is also a necessary part of the process. At Encompass Therapy, the focus for management of lipoedema is a collaborative approach to provide the client with education, treatment strategies and support during conservative and surgical management stages.